allles wird gut.
Unless otherwise specified in writing, the General Terms & Conditions are understood as being an integral part of each offer, order & contract, also by using this webpage, you are agreeing to them.
Different types of Services may have different types of GTC, please check below!
Our GTC are subject to change, please come back once in a while, to be up to date!

The court of jurisdiction is in Vienna, Austria.
We are exclusively charging & billing in Euro. If payment should be affected in a different currency, the risk of a floating exchange-rate will not be carried by makingmovieshappen and is on the client's side.
Austria <> Austria: Payment must be effected within 10 working days upon reception of our invoice. Payment must exclusively be made to our company-account. No deductions possible.
Austria <> European Union: Downpayment of 50 % of the estimate is required before starting work on the project. The remaining payment must be made within 10 working days upon reception of our final invoice. Downpayments must be made exclusively to our company-account. The remaining balance may be paid in cash immediately after completion of the production in person to Katharina Lichtenberg or an entitled subsidiary. No deductions possible.
Austria <> Rest of Europe: Downpayment of 75 % of the estimate is required before starting work on the project. The remaining payment must be made within 10 working days upon reception of our final invoice. The remaining balance may be paid in cash immediately after completion of the production in person to Katharina Lichtenberg or an entitled subsidiary. No deductions possible
Austria <> World: Downpayment of 100 % of the estimate is required before starting work on the project. Any upcoming further costs must be made before proceeding with additional action on our side. ​Payments via paypal may be made upon request and only in cases of extreme emergency (work needs to start with shorter notice than the standard banktransfer-time). No deductions possible.
Any other agreement about the terms of payment requires a written form (email, fax, letter).
Terms of payment are subject to change and may be adjusted to the respective project.
Last minute:
In case, a request is being placed less than 24 hrs before work starts, an emergency-levy of + 10 % of the total is charged. We are really flexible, but a shorter period to tune into a new project than 24 hrs normally leads to outsourcing other commitments, which inevidently results in extra costs, that need to be covered.
This leverage is applicable to all types of services offered by us.
Locationscouting will be provided after having agreed in writing (mail/fax/letter) on a certain number of days for a certain price/day. A briefing will be provided by the client, containing the most important features the location must have. In case the briefing changes, makingmovieshappen must be informed immediately, to make proper use of the worktime.
Locationscouting is a service performed within the above mentioned frame of time & costs. There is no success-guarantee. The charging-scheme is based on the time provided and is independent from the result of the scouting. In case of dispute, records can be provided.
Please note: up to now, we were always able to find what you are looking for.
Expenses are:
Mileage: currently 0,42 €/km in Austria includes fuel, road-tolls, parking, car-usage; A mileage-accoint must be kept for tax-reseons. For inner-city travels, only the starting-point and the finish-point of that day will be noted down to avoid unreasonable administration.
Per Diems: in Austria: if an overnight stay is necessary, 90 € will be added for food-expenses and hotel/night.
In case, a request is being placed less than 24 hrs before work starts, an emergency-levy of + 10 % of the total is charged. We are really flexible, but a shorter period to tune into a new project than 24 hrs normally leads to outsourcing other commitments, which inevidently results in extra costs, that need to be covered.